Youtube import data from excel to excel
Youtube import data from excel to excel

On this last panel, you confirm the system, library, file, and the name of the fdfx file to be created. Press the Next button to get to the confirmation panel. In this panel, you can add descriptive text for your file.

youtube import data from excel to excel

After you complete the library and file names, press the Next button. After you select the IBM i system you want, press the Next button to get the panel where you define the library and file for the new file to be created. In the next panel in the wizard, you select the IBM i system on which the table is created. After I make the appropriate changes, I click the Next button. If you have a column that is not null capable and your input file has no value for it, the default value is used if one is specified by the description of the table. I went on to modify the ItemCost and ItemsOnHand columns to give them labels and provided a default value of 0.00 and 0. I also selected the option to make it null capable so this field does not need to have a value for every row in the table. In Figure 4, you can see that I made the Description column a VARCHAR(2000) field. I changed the length to 20, made sure that it is not Null capable and added a description of 'IBM i kitch Item Number', which is the label on this column.

youtube import data from excel to excel

So I click the ItemNumber row in the table in Figure 2 and click the Details button and make the changes shown in Figure 3. I also want to add descriptive text for the columns. I would like my ItemNumber to be 20 characters in length and the Description column to be up to 2000 characters and be a VARCHAR rather than a CHAR type. In this case, I want to modify some of these values. Most of them are more than 10 characters long so the system name is the first 5 characters of the name I gave it followed by 5 digits. Note from Figure 2 that it used my column names. Next, I click the 'Start Scan' button and when it is complete, I click the Next button to see what the scan produced. They do not contain any spaces and are not using any of the reserved words documented in the SQL Reference. Since my first row is descriptive names, I check the box 'First row of data contains field names'. The scan determines how many columns, their size, and data type for your table on IBM i. You are now on the panel in the wizard where you can have ACS data transfer scan the spreadsheet. If you need to, you can override the highlighted area by using this panel then click Next. Since I already selected the range, this feature is disabled for me. On the next panel, you can specify a starting and ending cell to define the range of data to be scanned.

youtube import data from excel to excel

Click OK to close this window and press Next. You can set the type for a specific column later in the process but this option defines the default type. Most users want CHAR or VARCHAR so that the data is readable by other programs on the IBM i without performing conversions on data. You can select and set the default to be any of the options in the list. That last tab is used to set what type of character fields are created in your new file. Click the Data Options button to set options for time and date format, decimal separator, and options for how your data is scanned. The data transfer upload tools require these files so that they can parse the source data file into columns and rows and know what their type and size are.Ĭlick the Next button on the wizard and you are on the 'Change Data Options' panel. You could think of it as a file of metadata since it is data that describes data. So the fdfx file is a second file that describes the data in your data file (in this case the spreadsheet). While an argument could be made that Excel files and other document types are an exception, as far as data transfer is concerned, we do not really care.

#Youtube import data from excel to excel Pc#

PC files are normally just streams of data that has no external description to ascribe meaning to the data that is in them. Now is a good time to explain what the fdfx file is and why we need it. The second screen shows the name of the fdfx file that it creates on completion of the wizard steps. Next, I select the option 'Create IBM i Database File.' from the Actions menu to launch the table creation wizard.

youtube import data from excel to excel

With this spreadsheet open and the data selected, I now open the ACS data transfer program, select the 'To IBM i' tab and select 'Active Excel Spreadsheet' from the 'Input Device' list. Note, the first row is descriptive column names that I would like to have as the SQL long column names. Here is a small sample spreadsheet with data that I need to export to a library on IBM i with the populated cells already selected (highlighted). Scenario 1: Creating a table and populating it from a spreadsheet by using ACS data transfer. The first is when the data in the spreadsheet is used to create a new table and the second is when the data is uploaded into an existing table. There are two different scenarios for uploading data from a spreadsheet.

Youtube import data from excel to excel